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Financial Planning

Why to opt for Financial Planning?

Are you someone who is working very hard to make your family financially secure and prosperous?

Are you sure the money you are saving is going to help you achieve this goal?

Do you have a plan which will give you financial certainty about your future?

Do you have a plan that helps you prepare for any emergencies?

Do you have a Plan B if your Plan A fails?

We at Joel Marketing Consultants help you answer all the above questions with utmost clarity and surety! We take you through a simple 5 step process in Financial Planning. Your Financial Security and Growth, is our only goal and we will work with you, so that you can sleep peacefully knowing you have a clear strategy for your Financial Future.

Here are the simple 5 steps –

  1. Assessment of your Current Financial Situation
  2. Defining your Financial Goals
  3. Working out solutions with Risk Mitigation
  4. Implementation of the Financial Plan
  5. Three R – Review, Rinse and Repeat !

Our Financial Planning Covers

  • Investment Planning
  • Liability Minimization
  • Cash Flow/Liquidity Management
  • Retirement Planning
  • Children’s Education Planning
  • Insurance Planning
  • Wealth/Legacy Planning
  • Health/Medical planning

For an honest, unbiased and professional expert advice from experienced professional – Connect with the Financial Doctor!